Monday, July 28, 2008

Sweet Amazon Deal! - Free $10! TODAY ONLY!


Thanks to Crystal at
Money Saving Mom for posting about this great deal!

Sign up here for a free one-month trial of Amazon Prime and you will get a $10 Credit towards your next order! Amazon Prime is a new service that gives you free 2-day shipping on all orders from

You can use your $10 credit to purchase anything through So if you find something for $10 or less you will receive it FREE with FREE 2-Day Shipping! The credit shows up when you check out!

I just used my credit to pre-order Breaking Dawn, by Stephenie Meyer. I was debating whether or not I wanted to purchase this book since I borrowed the other books in the series from my lil sis. I figured I would go ahead and get it since I only had to pay $2 something bucks out of pocket with this deal! Yay!

***After you sign up just log into your account and I believe you click a link that says something about managing your Amazon Prime account. Then there is a little button that you can click that I believe says "Do not Upgrade" - click that and then you will not be charged the $79 annual Amazon Prime fee after your 1 month free trial is over! (and you will not have to remember to cancel your membership in a month!)***

1 comment:

Sparklinbecks said...

Aw bummer! I already signed up for amazon prime and then didnt upgrade so i probably cant do it. i scored a few months ago on shipping for the camera. awesome abotu the preorder! are you still going to borders?