Thursday, June 26, 2008

CVS week of 6/22


*9 Soy Joy bars
*Huggies baby wash
*CVS cotton swabs
*CVS pocket tissues

-$Buy 2 get 1 Free Soy Joy (x3)
-$1.00 Huggies
-$2.00 CVS skincare coupon

Total after coupons: $9.98
ECB's used: $10.00 (adjusted to $9.98)
OOP: $0.00
Earned: $12.00 ECB's

This was a fun one! The cashier was like "wow, you just got all of this stuff for free....wait a second here are some more extra bucks for!" I didn't pay ANYTHING, not even tax. She had to adjust my $10 ECB to $9.98. So I basically got paid $12 for all of this stuff! I CVS!

**I now have $43.47 ECB's!!**


*Want to see more CVS savings? Visit the "Cents"ible Sawyer's CVS Superstars!

1 comment:

Sparklinbecks said...

Gosh you are so good!

How do those soy joy bars taste? I have some coupons for them and didnt know if they would be tasty at all.

Melissa rocks my socks!